Spring is...Forward?

Hi, it’s me, Leia!

Happy Spring Forward!

I don’t actually know what this means, but Upright seems excited about it not getting dark around lunch time (per her) anymore. She’s a morning person, so she can handle dark in the morning. Not so in the evening. I can nap anytime, so I’m not picky. But if it gives her more energy in the evening so we do more things, I’m all for it.

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The more sun, the more we run…

In fact, can we spring forward next Sunday too?? No? Oh, OK.

So far, I haven’t noticed much difference. But the theory sounds good. And the temperature feels encouraging too – it’s supposed to push 60F in our part of the world. Truth be told, I’m fine with cold temperatures, sort of prefer them even. But, again, when you’re dependent on She-Who-Hold-The-Car-Keys, if this gets her out of huddling under the covers and out walking and exploring again, I’m all for it.

In anticipation of spring, I guess, Luke and I had a road trip to Green Bay a couple of days ago to get “trimmed up”, or, as I think of it, our “Spring Trim”. I look marvelous, if I do say so myself. Now, I looked marvelous BEFORE the trim, let’s not kid ourselves. I’m an OES, we’re breathtaking by definition. But, apparently, now I am SO marvelous looking that Upright tells me so about ten times a day. I can live with that. She does more annoying things.

This morning we even checked the special early warning section of the garden for spring bulbs for the first time. We planted some early ones last fall, knowing that winter makes her a little antsy and she needs reassurance.

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Hello….Any spring bulbs????

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I’m gonna have to go with no, not yet…

Still, there are other changes on the horizon. Another fun spring forward change, for instance? She kicks my personal ball for me! Now, it has Dazzle and Sybil germs on it, but pay no attention to THAT. I let them touch it, sometimes; OK, when they beat me to it and run off with it. But I know in my heart that it was meant for ME. Which is why it has been so heartbreaking to drop it at Upright’s feet repeatedly for months now, just to hear her say “Sorry, Lei – too icy.” Or, “Sorry Lei, it’s too muddy.”

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Ice and mud are NO problem. I can run, I can chase, I can slide, I can knock her off her feet or deliver a lovely mud splatter up the length of her body and, on a good day, give her fun mud splatter on her face. What exactly is the problem here? I remain confused, but nonetheless relieved that apparently our ball kicking quarantine is over. Whew! I thought it would never end!

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What? A ball is by definition round?

It WAS round?

I have no idea what you’re talking about…

Happy (Almost) Spring!!!