Game, Set…Match?

Hi, it’s me, Leia!

Yesterday I got to play cheerleader! Unfortunately I was instructed that this does not entail using my melodious voice, which I’m told can break glass and set off car alarms in a three county radius. So that was a bit of a bummer. But otherwise it was pretty entertaining.

What was I cheering for? Well, we were at a local B match. What is a match? It’s a practice show, or trial, or both, for dog teams that are thinking they want to get out there and compete, but want to practice some of their moves and make sure they’re ready for the big time.

Matches are a great thing, and especially for Old English, I’m told. Why? Because it’s a place where people are more likely to smile charitably when we unleash our more creative side. The “B” designation of this weekend’s match signifies that it’s pretty close to a regular AKC event, which is especially helpful for those wanting to learn the ropes. There are also fun matches, which can be more casual. And run-thrus, which are more casual still, and often include helpful feedback.

We’re fortunate here in Wisconsin, in that we have a number of great matches and other practice opportunities for all kinds of events put on by our local dog clubs. The Waukesha Kennel Club match, for instance, which occurs in February, offers conformation - you know, like those dogs at Westminster who run around the ring together, all fluffed up and perfect looking - and obedience. It also offered two back-to-back actual rally trials - that’s the real thing - as well as CGC and health testing.

It’s BIG! Lots of dogs! Lots of fun! Of course, I’m partial - OK, biased; very - and go mainly to cheer my fellow OES. I competed last year in the fluffy category, and that was awesome - I actually won a big bag of dog food, how great is that? This year upright went to play Bucket Bitch - which, inexplicably, does not actually involve a bucket, though I can say with authority that she’s got the bitch part down. (Hello! The No Bark dictum???)


Then there’s the No Play order. Which I managed to circumvent a little when I saw my friend, Una. But mostly I was really well behaved and the Bucketless Bucket Bitch was pleased. Too, we got to leave Big Mouth Brother at home - he was NOT happy. But it was a girls’ day out, so sucks to be you, Luke.

While Una was being floofed, I got to check out some of the other events. Lo, there was another OES doing obedience! Her name is Skye and she is waaay cool.

She was very happy. Sometimes, apparently, a little too happy (say WHAT???) I loved watching her.

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She did a number of fun things, but the one that especially grabbed my attention was when she chased the dumbbell and brought it back (who knew that was part of the game?) She even did so by going out over a jump, picking it up and going over the jump again on the way back. I am inspired!

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On our way back from watching the Skye fly by, we walked by the CGC testing. CGC stands for Canine Good Citizenship. I, of course, feel I qualify on all three counts: I’m canine. I’m good. And no one has every questioned my citizenship.

Until they did. That’s right. Upright took one look at me and said, nope, not ready. Seriously????

Something about me not being able to hold my licker when someone goes over me. And maybe some dancey toes practical canine pretzel art. I started tuning her out by then. But, OK, so perhaps my standing or sitting still is still a work in progress. I’ll grant her that one. I have made great strides, though. The last time I was in the ring I only licked the judge once! And it’s not like she protested. I even made her smile. But, fine! Onward. We’ll be back!

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We swung by the rally trial, where we did not see anything sheeplike, but, rather, a big but not bad wolf. Again, all these cool toys everywhere and nothing for me! If the licker is the main thing holding me back, I may be convinced to hold it in. Oh, it’s not just that? Actual training goes into these things? What are we waiting for?

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Oh. We’re waiting for ring time. I get to practice my hanging out in a crate quietly gazing at the world go by, which, if I do say so myself, I aced and probably should have earned another bag of dog food for. Even the Bucketless Bucket Bitch conceded my off the clock show manners are pretty OK.

Don’t strain your enthusiasm, oh Bitch with no Bucket. You can see why we need a cheerleader in the family.

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After some waiting around, and a little Corgi competition trash-talking (they were actually really good friends and it was fun to watch them play, even if they are hair and height challenged - hey, we give as good as we get, Corgi Crew!), we finally got around to the main event.

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Finally, I must report that Team Una did an awesome job in the ring, representing in the group and looking so smooth and collected. Thanks, ladies! You did the breed proud.


As for me, I’m already making plans for next year’s match where, hopefully, the Bucketless Bitch will drop the bucket act and maybe we can play a little too. We invite all of our local OES to join Una, Skye and myself for a little February Fun. We’ll be sure to remind you well ahead of time that the match is coming up.

Exercised finished, that’ll do, and that’s all for now, folks!